Images of Swiss cheese

Switzerland Cheese Marketing AG provides you with free images for your media work. Contact us at media(at) and we will be happy to send you the desired images. Please cite “© Switzerland Cheese Marketing” as the source and note the applicable terms of use.

Terms of use for images

All rights remain with Switzerland Cheese Marketing AG or the corresponding organisation. Third parties only receive the right to use the image within the framework of these terms of use. “© Switzerland Cheese Marketing” must be cited as the source of the published images and this designation must be readily apparent to third parties.

The images that are provided are only intended for media work or for productions that are expressly on behalf of Switzerland Cheese Marketing. The use of the images for any other purpose, in particular, for commercial use (product advertising, internet, third-party advertising, own products, etc.) is strictly prohibited. Any use of the images by third parties is also prohibited. The images may not be edited or altered digitally or using conventional methods without the consent of the copyright holder (Switzerland Cheese Marketing AG or the relevant organisation).

Switzerland Cheese Marketing AG reserves the right to assert legal claims if the images are misused or used unlawfully or in the event of violations of these terms of use.